Hypnosis helps people everyday with all kinds issues. Some common services are:
Self Confidence
stress & anxiety
quit smoking
fear of flying
weight control
substance & alcohol abuse
healing from past experiences
Healthy sleep
Phobias & fears
Public Speaking
Stage Fright
Sexual Issues
Anger Management
Nail Biting
Improve Mood
Children's Issues
Eating Disorders
Performance Anxiety
Sports Performance
In-between life regression
Spirit Releasement
The most advanced hypnotherapy techniques are used, and are individualized for each client.
Each session 60-90 minutes. First session 2.5 hours
$125 - paid in advance, 5 session discount $500
This session may take 3-6 hours. I do not schedule clients after you, so we start at 9AM or 10AM and have as long as it takes.
$300 for one session
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